Dear Investors, Valuation of Stocks using Fundamental Analysis!! While technical analysis is a widely used method for valuating stocks and predicting the future, fundamental analysis also becomes very important and critical many a times. It is not very easy to make money in the stock market by just doing technical analysis, reading charts, graphs etc all the time. Many researchers have proved that fundamental analysis is EQUALLY IMPORTANT . Here in this write-up, I would like to discuss more about the fundamental analysis of stocks before investing. Fundamental analysis is a stock valuation technique that uses financial and economic analysis to predict the movement of stock prices. The fundamental information to be analyzed should include a company's financial reports, non-financial reports such as growth estimates of demand for products and services,...
Faculty, MBA Finance, Presidency Business School, Presidency College, Bengaluru (Bangalore), Karnataka, India. Academics, Research and Stock Market Investment Analysis are my Passion!!